Giving to Girl Guides

How Your Donation Helps

Your support makes it possible for us to:

  • Develop and deliver leading edge, effective and relevant programming for girls across Canada.
  • Recruit and train leaders to deliver girl-centered programming.
  • Offer innovative programs in areas such as self-esteem, bullying prevention and environmental stewardship.
  • Help Members connect to the wider world through national exchange programs, international travel and global development projects and discussions.
  • Fund scholarships for Members enrolled in college or university.
  • Assistance to families for registration and uniform costs, as well as camp fees.

Ways of Giving

There are a number of options for making gifts:

  • Make a one-time gift
  • Make a special occasion gift to commemorate a life occasion for someone important to you
  • Make a memorial gift to celebrate the memory of someone important to you
  • Pledge a legacy gift through your Will in the form of a bequest, a gift of stocks or a gift of life insurance

Income tax receipts will automatically be issued for gifts of $10.00 or more.

Charitable Registration #: 118938554RR0027

For additional information, please contact

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