Provincial Events

Night Quest 2023

Another Guiding year has started and we want to share our exciting news that Night Quest is back. The Committee for Night Quest 2023 has been working hard to prepare a memorable fall Provincial Event for Pathfinders and Rangers from NB and PEI. We are pleased to welcome all to this great weekend of camping and challenges filled with an abundance of Guiding spirit.  

Night Quest is a fun filled event designed for Pathfinders and Rangers consisting of an opening ceremony, afternoon of group activities, followed by units on their own for supper then on to an allcamp campfire. At 8:00 p.m. more fun begins by patrols traveling a circuit to perform challenges and earn points. Patrols of 4-6 Pathfinders, Rangers or a combination of both will test their skills and teamwork. Night Quest started in 2001 and is held every second year with each year growing and improving. The fun and excitement begins Saturday, October 21 at 11:00 a.m. and continues through until mid-morning Sunday, October 22. 

When: October 21-22

Where: Ganong Nature Park 

Read through the information bookletRegister now.

5/9/2024 7:20:44 AM