The Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) and Girl Guides of Canada - NB Council were proud to host a provincial STEM event at UNB Fredericton!
Over 650 girls, leaders and staff attended the event.

The girls attended STEM sessions, stayed in student residences and ate at meal hall.  Saturday evening they attended a open mic session in the Currie Centre where they were able to ask questions from women working in STEM fields and they also had a sneak peak at the new Girls First program.

Check out this Interview that was done for Rogers TV on this event!

Click here
to find out about the many STEM sessions that were offered 

On the evening of Saturday, May 12th, the entire group of 500 girls and over 100 Guiders assembled to learn more about the exciting new national Girls First guiding initiative as well as Canada's first ever team to compete in the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad

They also had a chance to quiz a diverse panel of women who work in STEM fields about their education, career choices, and passion for science and math!
Our panelists for the evening were:

Katy Haralampides

Professor of Civil Engineering

Katy Haralampides is a professor of civil engineering at the University of New Brunswick. She has both a biology and an engineering background, and likes to combine the two in the emerging field of ecohydraulics. She also works with colleagues at other universities and colleges on the topic of Engineering and Social Justice, which involves looking where at alternative pedagogies and curriculum that incorporate social justice issues into the classroom and the engineering profession as a whole.

Roxanne McKnight

Accountant and Pathfinder/Ranger Guider

Roxanne McKnight has been a Guider for the 1st Norton Guides Pathfinders and Rangers for the past 11 years. She is the Financial and Access Co-ordinator for Horizon Health and it is located at the Saint John Regional Hospital. She has a Business Administration-Accounting Diploma from NBCC and is a Certified Bookkeeper, C.B. with the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping. Roxanne has worked in the accounting field since 1985 (33 years) in various positions and (businesses) organizations. She also has a small accounting/personal tax business.

Debbie Plouffe

Biologist and Guide Guider

Debbie Plouffe is a Guider with the 1st Little Pond Guides in Eastern Prince Edward Island and also serves as a trainer and Safe Guide Assessor. Debbie holds both a Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Biological Sciences. Debbie has worked in the application of bioscience technology to the aquaculture industry for more than 10 years and serves as a member of the board of directors of the PEI Bioalliance and the Aquaculture Association of Canada.

Dorette Pronk (panel moderator)

Professor of Mathematics

Dorette Pronk is a professor of pure mathematics at Dalhousie University and a member of the AARMS Executive Committee. She is interested in category theory, which is the study of the abstract structures underpinning all of mathematics and computer science. She is also interested in mathematical outreach and problem solving competitions. Dorette recently coached Canada's first ever team to compete in the European Girls' Mathematics Olympiad in Florence, Italy.

Catrina Russell

Geologist and Guide Guider

Catrina Russell is a Guide Leader in Saint John, NB. She was inspired to study science while earning her Space Badge as a Brownie. She went on to study geology at UNB and space studies at the International Space University, spending her summers camped out in a meteorite crater in northern Quebec. She is now a public educator at the New Brunswick Museum where she runs educational programs on all aspects of New Brunswick's natural and cultural heritage. She also volunteers with the Stonehammer UNESCO Global Geopark, Interpretation Canada, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

Mayada Shahada

Postdoctoral fellow

Mayada Shahada is a postdoctoral fellow working in the field of Commutative Algebra in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Dalhousie University. She is also the Director of Nova Scotia Math Circles Outreach Program. Mayada is interested in combinatorial algebra theory; the theory that employs methods from abstract algebra in various combinatorial contexts and, conversely, applies combinatorial techniques to problems in algebra. She also very active in outreach. Mayada believes that math, in general, is possiblerelevant and is a very enjoyable subject.

Emily Weston

Chemical Engineering undergraduate student

Emily Weston is entering her final year of a Chemical Engineering program with the Biomedical Engineering option at UNB (Fredericton). She's also pursuing a minor in math and a Technology Management and Entrepreneurship diploma. She enjoys playing piano, and any kind of art; and while she was never a Girl Guide, she always bought the cookies.

The low fee for this event is possible due to the generous donations from the following Sponsors:

The Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS)

The University of New Brunswick

University of New Brunswick

Cyberlaunch Academy  

Engineers Geoscientists of New Brunswick and 
Engineers Geoscientists of New Brunswick - Fredericton Branch

And Transporation support by the OSCO Construction Group

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