Fun leadership activities for 15- to 17-year-olds
Rangers is a place for exciting leadership activities for teens ages 15-17. She’ll have the chance to take the lead as she runs her own community projects, mentors younger girls in Guiding and raises awareness for causes she cares about – all in a safe space where she can just be herself surrounded by friends.
Ranger units generally meet once per week or every other week for 90 minutes to two hours. Each unit sets its own schedule.
Find a unit near you Register her today!
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Age categories are based on the age a girl will be as of December 31 of the current Guiding year. If your child is currently 14 but is turning 15 by December 31, she can join Rangers! If she turns 15 in January, she can join Guiding partway through the year.
For more registration information, check out our registration help page.
For fee and subsidy information, visit the Cost of Guiding page or Find a Group [Unit] tool for costs in your region.
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