Fun activities for 7- and 8-year-olds
Embers is a place for fun activities for 7- and 8-year-olds. She’ll have a blast with old and new friends by using her imagination, exploring nature, gaining new skills and finding ways to “Lend a Hand” (the Motto) in her community.
Embers usually meet once per week for an hour to 90 minutes.
Find a unit near you Register her today!
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Age categories are based on the age a girl will be as of December 31 of the current Guiding year. If your child is currently six but is turning seven by December 31, she can join Embers! If she turns seven in January, she can join partway through the year.
For more registration information, check out our registration help page.
For fee and subsidy information, visit the Cost of Guiding page or Find a Group [Unit] tool for costs in your region.
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