2025 Scholarship banner

The Girl Guides of Canada National Scholarship Program recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments of Girl Guide members and supports them as they work towards the future they’ve been dreaming of. Applications for the 2025 GGC National Scholarship program are open from Feb 18 to March 25, 2025.

Apply now

Available Scholarships

Actuarial Foundation of Canada National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying actuarial sciences, mathematics, computer science or a related field at any post-secondary level. 

Dr. Roberta Bondar National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts, or mathematics) at the undergraduate level. 

Doris Ingram National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying in a subject related to music or animal care at any level of post-secondary studies.

GGC National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying in any level of a post-secondary program.

Masonic Foundation of Ontario First Year National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are entering their first year of any post-secondary studies in Ontario. Applicants may be from Ontario, or elsewhere.

Masonic Foundation of Ontario Part-time National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying at any post-secondary level on a part-time basis in Ontario. Part-time studies are defined as those students enrolled in 29-50% of a full course load. Applicants may be from Ontario, or elsewhere.

McKenna Barrett First Year National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies and who are in need of financial aid.

McKenna Barrett National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are entering their second year or beyond of post-secondary studies.

McKenna Barrett Environmental Education National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are entering any year of their post-secondary studies in environmental studies or a related field.

Miranda Friz Memorial National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are studying social sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, or sociology) or gender studies, and who are in need of financial aid.

Miranda Friz was an enthusiastic Girl Guide of several years’ standing and was deeply committed to social justice issues. She sadly passed away at age 15 due to a genetic disorder.

Norma Osler Education National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are entering any year of their post-secondary studies in education or a related field.

Sue Lonergan National Scholarship

For registered members of GGC who are pursuing studies in any non-traditional trade, including students pursuing vocational training, apprenticeships, diploma, certificate, or other adult training programs.

Scholarship Level of Study Financial Need? Other
Actuarial Foundation of Canada National Scholarship Mathematics
Dr. Roberta Bondar National Scholarship Undergrad STEAM
Doris Ingram National Scholarship Music OR Animal Care
GGC National Scholarship
Masonic Foundation of Ontario First Year National Scholarship First time students Studying in Ontario
Masonic Foundation of Ontario Part-time National Scholarship Part-time students Studying in Ontario
McKenna Barrett First Year National Scholarship First time students Yes
McKenna Barrett National Scholarship
McKenna Barrett Environmental Education National Scholarship Environmental Studies
Miranda Friz Memorial National Scholarship Yes Social Sciences OR Gender Studies
Norma Osler Education National Scholarship Education
Sue Lonergan National Scholarship Non-traditional trades

Provincial council scholarship information:

Meet past recipients

2024 Recipients | 2023 Recipients | 2022 Recipients | 2021 Recipients | 2020 Recipients | 2019 Recipients

A special thank you to the individuals, groups, foundations and corporations who help make the 2024 Scholarship Program possible:

  • roberta logo
  • Actuarial Foundation of Canada
  • The Masonic Foundation
  • The Barrett McKenna Family
  • The Kingston Trefoil Guild

Memorial scholarships:

  • The Doris Ingram Memorial Scholarship
  • Norma Osler Education National Scholarship
  • Miranda Friz Memorial National Scholarship 
    Miranda was an enthusiastic Girl Guide who was deeply committed to social justice. She tragically passed at age 15 from a genetic disorder and is dearly missed by her Guiding community.

For more information about applying to, or supporting, GGC's National Scholarship Program, please contact us at scholarship@girlguides.ca

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