NL Youth Forum reference

Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Forum

The Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Forum is comprised of six members selected annually from qualified applicants. Their collective goal is to provide a link between girl and youth members and the provincial council by organizing provincial service projects and province-wide events, and broadcasting youth member successes though social media and publications. Successful applicants should be willing to work as a team, be goal oriented, efficient workers and dedicated to planning opportunities for girl and youth members. 

Each new Guiding year, based on available unfilled roles, four current Rangers, one current third-year Pathfinder, and one aging-out Ranger are selected to fill the council roles. The term of service is two years, the first through successful selection by Youth Forum advisors, the second through agreement between girl and advisors. Depending on geographical distance, the Youth Forum will meet in person at least once a year. Other contact will take place through social media and Skype. Successful applicants are expected to make every effort to participate in meetings and in the duties of the position.

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