Ranger Revolution

 Ranger Revolution

Ranger Revolution is a biennial event (every second year, alternating with Pathfinder Summit) for girls registered and active in Ranger units as well as for girls registered as Rangers and participating as Junior leaders. This event is different from all other Program Committee events, as girls can register either as a patrol or as individuals. This event has sessions and activities tailored specifically to Ranger-aged girls, with a variety of sessions, including Junior Leader specific topics. Participants will explore subjects they might not encounter at unit meetings and will be encouraged to take information back with them to share with their units. Girls and Guiders will have the opportunity to stay at the HI-Vancouver Jericho Beach hostel for the weekend and participate in the Ranger Revolution activities at Guide House in Vancouver.

The objective of this event is to help girls from across BC by building the skills necessary to take on leadership roles in their units, in their communities and in Guiding.

This event is held in the fall every second year.

Ranger Revolution 2017

When: October 20-22, 2017
Where: Vancouver
Cost: $78.75 per girl
Apply to attend by filling out the online 2017 Expression Of Interest form.
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