Canadian Guiding Badges and Insignia Resource

This aid to identification was produced from research done initially by Katherine Town, a Guider from British Columbia. A research and editing group from the Archives of the Ontario Council has expanded the manuscript, and is pleased to offer this aid to identifying Guiding badges. The document is intended to be a reference guide for archivists, collectors and other interested parties. We have used the most reliable printed resources available, and have done our best to be accurate and consistent. If there are errors or omissions, the Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada is not in any way liable. We would like to hear from you if you have valuable information, please contact the Archivist at This document focuses primarily on badges for girls. Some badges that apply to all levels, including adults, are identified as such in a separate section. The years covered in this edition range from the inception of Guiding in Canada in 1910 to 2010. 
  1. Introduction & How to Use the Resource (PDF) 
  2. Sparks
  3. Brownies
    Brownie Badges
    Sixer Emblems
  4. Guides
    Guides A-G
    Guides H-Z
    Extension Guides
  5. Pathfinders
  6. Rangers
  7. Adult
    Insignia of Office
    - Commissioners and other Executive Council Members (Secretariat)
    - Unit Guiders
    - Advisers Testers
    Honours, Awards and Recognition of Service
    Earned badges
  8. Multi-Branch
    Canada Flashes and Title Tapes
    Commemorative badges and pins
    Provincial Hat Badges
    Religion in Life badges
    Service Stars


Published by Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, Ontario Council
180 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 100
Toronto, Ontario, M3B 1Z6


© 2009 Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada
May be copied by Members for use within Guiding
All symbols are trademarked Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada.
If you are not a Member of Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada and wish to use information found in this resource, contact the Archivist at


Editor – Joan Beckley
Assistant Editor – Janet Lovekin
Technical support – Terry Lovekin
Ontario Council Staff Research assistance has been provided over the years by volunteers in the Ontario Council Archives.
Images – The assistance of the National Council Archivists Lynn Austin and successor Catherine Mort, the volunteers of the British Columbia Council, and Nova Scotia Council Archives; in supplying coloured images for insignia not available in the Ontario collection is gratefully acknowledged.
Images were also obtained from the collection in the archives of The Guide Association in London, UK.
The support of the Ontario Council and staff has been invaluable. By agreeing to publish the document on the Ontario Council website the Council has enabled us to incorporate new information as it comes to light and to make the resource as complete and accurate as possible, and freely available to everyone.

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